IASB and FASB consult on the presentation of financial statements

16 October 2008

The discussion paper contains an analysis of the current issues in financial statement presentation and presents the boards' views on how those issues could be addressed in a possible future format.

The discussion paper contains an analysis of the current issues in financial statement presentation and presents the boards' views on how those issues could be addressed in a possible future format.


IASB and FASB propose to introduce cohesiveness and disaggregation as the two main objectives for financial statement presentation. Cohesiveness would ensure that a reader of financial statements can follow the flow of information through the different statements of an entity; disaggregation would ensure that items that respond differently to economic events are shown separately. To achieve these main objectives the boards have developed a principle-based format that is presented in the discussion paper.


Deadline for comments is 14 April 2009.


Press release

Discussion paper



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