EFRAG secretariat reports to EC on input received regarding costs of implementing country-by-country reporting

03 August 2011

EFRAG secretariat has collected input from a selection of companies regarding the administrative costs associated with possible supplementary disclosures on a country-by-country basis. This input is summarised in the report on findings that has been forwarded to the European Commission.

DG Internal Market and Services of the European Commission asked EFRAG to provide assistance in collecting data to contribute to its impact assessment of the potential costs of implementing a number of policy proposals. The proposals under consideration concern country-by-country reporting by multinational companies operating in third countries. 

The report that has been prepared is intended solely as an input to the Commission’s processes. It was not necessary to draw on EFRAG’s technical expertise in financial reporting to carry out the tasks set by the European Commission. Therefore, the report on findings does not include any form of advice or assessment. In addition, this report is published on EFRAG’s website for information purposes only and is not subject to EFRAG’s due process.


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