PES supports eurobonds as a 'stability and solidarity tool for the eurozone'

23 May 2012

The Party of European Socialists (PES) has expressed its support for making eurobonds a priority at the next EU summit on 28th June. PES President Stanishev said the 23rd May summit must signify a 'turn towards a progressive growth agenda'.

PES President Sergei Stanishev stated: “Today’s summit must mark the day that Europe turned definitively to a progressive growth agenda. If we want to restore the confidence in Europe, we need to work together on a sustainable growth agenda where every Member State counts. Eurobonds endorse this core democratic principle and are a valuable instrument to tackle the debt crisis”. He added: “Together with a European financial transaction tax and an enhancement of the European Investment Bank, they can stabilise the EU and help generate growth and new jobs”.

Referencing the debate on Greece, Mr Stanishev emphasised that; "The European project is built on solidarity. We must therefore show our unwavering support for the Greek people and for Evangelos Venizelos' plan for a progressive, responsible way out of the crisis. Now that Europe is finally becoming politically progressive and building momentum, Greece should not miss the opportunity".

Hannes Swoboda, S&D Group President in the EP, added: “Today's gathering is a decisive moment to give Europe a new direction based on an alternative policy agenda. An agenda of growth, investment and employment. The high unemployment rates all over Europe especially for the youth are not only unacceptable but socially unjust. The OECD has today confirmed our call for more growth, the need for social reforms, a strengthened ECB and more investment in education and R&D. It is our responsibility to pursue this path for an alternative way out of the crisis and support is getting stronger every day”.

Press release

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