RTÉ News: Eurobonds must come with increased controls - Italy's Monti

04 July 2012

Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, said that pooling of eurozone countries' debt, in the form of eurobonds, must be accompanied by increased budget control at a European level.

"We need a partial mutualisation of debt, but also more central control of national budgets", Monti  said. "Without proper control it would be irresponsible to burden others with a share of your own debt."

''Germany and Italy take the same line on this and are prepared to surrender national sovereignty", he added.

Monti conceded that his government would not be able to solve the deep structural problems facing Italy in the the year and four months his government had left in office. "It's also a question of the economy. If a government such as ours implements the big fiscal adjustments, that will be a burden to the economy in the short term", he said.

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