EFSF places €3 billion 10-year bond

29 August 2012

The European Financial Stability Facility placed a €3 billion 10-year benchmark bond maturing on 05/09/2022. The issuance spread at reoffer was fixed at mid swap plus 57 basis points. This implies a reoffer yield for investors of 2.307 per cent.

HSBC, Citi and JP Morgan acted as lead managers for this issue and Deutsche Finanzagentur acted as Issuance Agent.

Christophe Frankel, CFO and Deputy CEO stated: "In a very low yield environment EFSF was able to sell €3 billion of a 10-year bond to a wide range of investors attracting more than 100 accounts. Compared to our last 10-year transaction in November 2011 the spread has been reduced by almost half.”

Press release

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