EBF Position on the proposals for a Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)

19 October 2012

EBF has long argued for further supervisory integration in the EU, and in this regard the proposed SSM is an important step in that direction. EBF finds it important to strike the right balance and to build a solid foundation for further integrated high-quality supervision from the start.

The legislative package includes a proposal for a Council regulation establishing the ECB as the Single Supervisor (2012/0242 (CNS)) and a proposal amending provisions in the EBA regulation (2012/0244 (COD)). Going forward, the Council regulation (2012/0242 (CNS)) will be referred to as the proposal for a Council regulation and the proposal amending the EBA regulation (2012/0244 (COD)) will be referred to as the EBA amending proposal.

Key points

Full position