The ECB’s announcement of its Outright Monetary Transactions (OMTs) programme and the decisions taken by the European Council in June are fundamentally responsible for the improvement felt in the financial markets that has reduced the dispersion of yields and spreads of sovereign debt instruments.
The key financial stability risks remain and there is no room for complacency. Potential risks stem from imbalances and vulnerabilities in the fiscal, macro-economic and financial sector domains and they can be grouped into three categories:
Timely ECB action to address risks to euro area price stability has been critical not only in ensuring the ECB’s primary objective of keeping prices stable, but also in easing financial stress that had, at times, reached extreme levels. Most recently, the announcement of the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMTs) programme was crucial in underpinning a widespread narrowing of euro area sovereign spreads, accompanied by a more generalised calming of financial markets. ECB policy action cannot address the root causes of financial market fragmentation, but it has attenuated the symptoms – creating breathing space for governments and financial institutions to tackle the fundamental causes of the crisis.