EBCI/Vienna Initiative: Deleveraging abating in emerging Europe amid regulatory and structural shifts

02 May 2013

The latest CESEE Deleveraging Monitor finds that the second wave of funding reductions by western banks that started in mid-2011 is petering out. However, funding reductions have not stopped in all countries of the region, and remain significant in Hungary and Slovenia.

The report also noted that:

In addition, Steering Committee Chair and National Bank of Poland President Marek Belka submitted suggestions and remarks on the evolving Banking Union project to the leaders of European institutions on behalf of a Vienna 2 Initiative working group. 2 The document focuses on the project’s impact on host countries in emerging Europe. It stresses that a geographically inclusive and fully-fledged banking union, incentivised with appropriate conditions for participation is in the interest of all cross-border group stakeholders - home and host authorities and banks - in Europe's deeply integrated financial markets.

Press release

Deleveraging Monitor

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