Barroso reiterated that the European Commission is in favour of amending the Treaties if it is for more integration and discipline beyond what has already been agreed or proposed. "Important for me is a new fiscal pact," he said. He also stressed how much the Commission is doing in terms of fiscal discipline and structural reform and emphasised its comprehensive approach. On Stability Bonds he reiterated what the recently-published green paper is about and said: "Only when this fiscal irresponsibility is not possible any more, can eurobonds be a natural and advantageous means for the euro area". President Barroso also expressed his appreciation for the German-French duo, saying that it would be problematic if there were fundamental differences between the two. "I have no problem with their initiatives and really welcome that they meet… Partnership is indispensable, but not sufficient."
Welt Online: Can you imagine a eurozone without Greece?
Barroso: Not if Greece fulfils its obligations. If it doesn’t, we’ll have to reconsider. But it would be a bad signal to the markets if the eurozone were to lose one of its members.
Welt Online: What expectations do you have now of the German government?
Barroso: I know that it supports more rigorous cooperation and discipline, and comprehensive crisis management, as per the agreements on 26 and 27 October. At the same time, the German government should continue to make it clear to the other partners that it will do all it takes to ensure the stability of the eurozone.
Full interview (in German)