Barnier: Financial regulation, growth, competitiveness, integration - Europe at a crossroads

11 June 2012

Mr Barnier said that the EU's further financial integration efforts must be backed up by an effective European economic strategy.

The European framework for the prevention and management of banking crises is an integral part of the proposed ‘banking union’, on which we started work two-and-a-half years ago.

The aim is simple: to increase financial integration in the European Union with a view to strengthening the safeguards and the guarantee enjoyed by the people of Europe. In practice this involves several instruments:

In the short term, we are in the process of putting in place a balanced policy mix comprising three components:

In the medium term, we need to create an effective competitiveness strategy for Europe.

If we want to counter the decline of industry, we need a European industrial strategy and a European vision. 60 years after the beginnings of European integration, which started with the pooling of coal and steel, it is time to think about new common investments, which should be targeted this time at information technologies, biotechnologies, transport and clean energy. To this end, we need to create the right conditions for innovation. I have already mentioned the unitary European patent. In December 2011, I also proposed the creation of a European framework for venture capital funds which invest in innovative SMEs.

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