Vox EU: Riding through the storm: Lessons and policy implications for policymaking in EMU

12 January 2020

In December 2019, Marco Buti left the position of Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission at the end of a rough journey through the crisis and its aftermath. In this column, he draws the main lessons out of five key moments in the crisis for the completion of EMU and the appropriate policy mix in the euro area.

Mr Buti tried to encapsulate both a sense of this journey through the euro crisis as well as his policy conclusions in a CEPR Policy Insight by focusing on selected past episodes, some well-known, others less prominent.

The ‘moments’ he has chosen are the following:

A reading across these episodes and the ensued policy responses lead him to draw eight lessons for European policy coordination and governance:

As to the architecture of EMU, Mr Buti suggests to do the following:

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