Bernard Delbecque: Saving the euro requires restoring Spain's competitiveness

03 August 2012

This column argues that sovereign bond purchases might not be sufficient to reassure investors. A credible solution will also require a coordinated strategy to address Spain's competitiveness problem.

The most urgent challenge is to find a more credible way of reducing the spreads on the Spanish bonds. The eurozone's current plan is insufficient; allowing the existing rescue funds (EFSF and ESM) to buy bonds on the open market will buy time but will not fix the problem.  These funds just do not have enough financial firepower to make a long term defence credible.

The basic problem is the existence of two equilibriums.

With trillions of euros invested in eurozone government bonds, even small shifts in the likelihood of the good versus the bad equilibrium can product massive sell-offs. What is needed is progress towards some form of eurobond and/or a stronger commitment to help Spain to return to a good “low-rates/solvent” equilibrium.
Several proposals have been developed:
The situation and the way forward suggested in this column can be summarised as follows:
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