Thirty-five percent of European respondents said they wanted about the same number of immigrants to come to their countries, while 10 percent said their countries should allow more immigrants.
Large majorities in Greece (82 percent), Hungary (72 percent), Italy (71 percent) and Germany (58 percent) said fewer immigrants or no immigrants at all should be allowed to move to their countries. The number of people who supported less migration was less than half in France (41 percent), the Netherlands (39 percent), the U.K. (37 percent) and Spain (30 percent).
According to the study, many respondents also worry about people moving away to work in another country. Among the European countries surveyed, Greece and Spain — two countries that have seen significant numbers of people move abroad since the 2008 financial crisis — had the highest shares of people who said this was a very big or moderately big problem, at 89 percent and 88 percent respectively. Dutch (19 percent) and Swedish (18 percent) respondents worried the least about this. [...]