Commission Working Papers on Reinsurance

17 September 2003

The Commission published a number of working documents between February 2000 and September 2003 dedicated to the fast track reinsurance project. The working document can be downloaded below.

Fast-track reinsurance supervision project - General stakeholder consultation on the draft legal text including solvency parameters Document

Fast-track reinsurance supervision project - Commission Services working document for consultation Document

Fast-track Reinsurance Supervision project Document

May 2003
Note to the members of the IC Reinsurance Subcommittee for the meeting of 11 June 2003 Document

Fast-track reinsurance supervision project - Tentative staff recommendations for quantitative parameters and related issues Document

Draft working document: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on reinsurance Document

April 2003
Towards a fast-track EU reinsurance supervision regime - Preparation of a text of a draft proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on reinsurance Note to IC subcommittee Document

Draft working document: Proposal for a Directive concerning reinsurance Document

Towards a fast-track EU reinsurance supervision regime 1) Status of the project and 2) Preparation of draft legal provisions - Discussion Paper Document

Draft working document: Proposal for a Directive concerning reinsurance and retrocession Document

Fast-track Reinsurance Supervision project - Conclusion of discussions in the IC and future steps Document

Considerations concerning the general form of a fast-track EU Reinsurance Supervision regime Document

Investment rules for assets covering technical provisions in reinsurance in reinsurance undertakings Document

The establishment of technical provisions in insurance and reinsurance - a comparative study Document

Discussion based on the KPMG report chapter 6 'The rationale with regard to supervisory parameters' and chapter 7 'The arguments for and against reinsurance supervisions and a broad cost-benefit analysis' Document

Reinsurance Supervision project - Status of working programme and future steps, reactions and comments, tentative time schedule Document

Approaches to Reinsurance Supervision - Follow-up and structure of Work Programme Document

Considerations concerning “licensing” and “passport” systems of reinsurance supervision Document

Approaches to Reinsurance Supervision Document

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