In an unprecedented and united call published the Sunday Times (subscription required) in the UK, the front page of Dagens Industri in Sweden and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in Germany, the entrepreneurs and business leaders – many of whom have never spoken out in the Europe debate before – urge policymakers to construct a more business-friendly, internationally competitive and democratically accountable Europe. Cutting across different sectors and countries, the initiative’s supporters have helped lead companies employing close to a million people across Europe and the world.
Signatories to the initiative – who have all signed in a personal capacity - include Karl-Johan Persson, the CEO of Swedish retail giant H&M, Dr. h.c. August Oetker, Chairman of renowned German food producer, Dr Oetker, and head of one of Europe’s largest family-owned businesses, Douglas Flint CBE, Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings, Joanna Shields, Chief Executive of Tech City, and Sir John Peace, Chairman of Standard Chartered Bank.
In their open letter they formulated seven core demands for a more business-friendly future EU:
"The European Union is facing enormous challenges. The euro and sovereign debt crisis is only the most obvious symptom of failures that have accumulated over decades. Many entrepreneurs are in global competition. Therefore, we urge for fundamental reforms and regulatory direction decisions at the European level according to the following guiding principles:
Leading German journalist and author Bettina Röhl has written a long op-ed for Germany's leading financial magazine Wirtschafts Woche, welcoming the new Open Europe initiative. In her piece, entitled Finally - protests from business!, Röhl commends business leaders for addressing "the blind alley the EU is in.”: "Now business leaders have spoken up -- some of them for the first time. This is not only good, but it is long overdue. All too often, business leaders find it too difficult to become involved in the political debate....It is not that initiatives were surprising in their substance, and neither are they new. But what is new, is that business itself is speaking. It is formulating its own needs, which are also the needs of the economy of a whole.”
Röhl concludes: "Anyone who wants to rob Europe of its diversity and drown it in Brussels fatuity, and all of this under the roof of a single currency, has failed splendidly in their rigidity. By throwing their gaze inwards rather than towards to world markets, they either do not care about European competitiveness, or, they have not understood the global economy."