Graham Bishop's Blog: NYT article 'Economic Thinkers Try to Solve the Euro Puzzle'

01 August 2012

The NYT article lists Graham as one of 'three experts who are not part of the eurozone's policy-making machinery, but are respected in top policy circles' that have been promoting competing plans for solving Europe's crisis.

Read New York Times and International Herald Tribune and was pleased to see Landon Thomas' article on "Three answers to the euro puzzle". Given the interest now being shown by President Obama in a solution to the euro crisis, I was not totally surprised that it was a US newspaper that actually took the initiative in summarising some of the private plans that are around but I find it strange that the US papers pay far more attention to these ideas than say the Financial Times!

However, I know my Treasury Bill Fund concept (Bishop Bills or Bishop Bonds) is gaining some traction so I am very keen to hear detailed objections and suggestions so that I can see how to meet them. Please write to me or direct Tweet: @grahambishopcom

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