Brexit 'Weekly'

04 June 2015

Greece's time is running out, CMU, ECB's Financial Stability Review, IMF advises on reforming fiscal governance in the EU, Brexit and EU treaty change... and much more!

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  Articles from 28 May 2015 - 04 June 2015

  Grahams Articles, Comments & Speeches
Greek politics: would a referendum cut the Gordian knot?
(Should 6% of the electorate be able to devastate the other 94 %?)  View Article
City of London opinion hardens to support Britain remaining a member of the EU
27 May 2015: Deutsche Boerse “Exchange of ideas - Blueprint for CMU”. The question "Should Britain stay in the EU?": The result was was truly remarkable.  View Article
Deepening EMU – Round-up of Key Events – May 2015
UK elections and Brexit were the main topics, also discussed in the 110th Brussels for Breakfast. CMU plays a greater and greater role in EU, and many EU institutions, associations and banks responded to the European Commission’s Green Paper.  View Article
Financial Times: Why Britain has no chance of European treaty change
Germany will boycott meaningful reforms for as long as its economy benefits from the status quo.  View Article
The Huffington Post: On Brexit
Brexit is not just a referendum. It is a momentous decision gambling with Britain's, England's, and Scotland's future. The question will linger for a long time: Was it worth it - were the nation and the people best served by this course of action?  View Article
25 Investing and Financing recommendations for the forthcoming Capital Markets Union
The report calls for creating a CMU able to structurally channel investments where innovation emerges, companies grow and new jobs are created. CMU should favor an EU wide liquid and integrated domestic market.  View Article
TheCityUK submits its response to the Capital Markets Union Consultation
The response highlighted five key priorities that TheCityUK believe to be the most important for the Commission to deliver a single market for capital that benefits the whole of the EU, and demands no further empowerment of the ESAs.  View Article
ESMA’s Maijoor: The CMU, Asset Management and Stability
ESMA fully supports the aims of the CMU to foster deeper and more integrated capital markets. Indeed, ESMA's main objectives and activities are fully aligned with the envisaged CMU, acoording to Maijoor.  View Article
IMF: Reforming Fiscal Governance in the European Union
The International Monetary Fund presents medium-term reform options to simplify the framework and improve compliance, arguing for moving to a two-pillar approach with a single fiscal anchor and a single operational target linked to it.  View Article
VoxEU: Macroprudential supervision in the Eurozone - Beware of excessive expectations
This column argues that, while based on the right principles, the EU framework grants supervisors a high degree of discretion that entails the risk of limited commitment and excessive fine-tuning.  View Article
ECB: Growing financial risk appetite within a gradual economic recovery – Financial Stability Review
Euro area systemic stress has remained low over the past six months, according to the latest Financial Stability Review of the European Central Bank. This also calmed fears of a too prolonged period of low inflation threatening to harm both price and financial stability.  View Article
ECB Vítor Constâncio: Monetary Policy and the European recovery
Main highlights were monetary policy decisions taken by the ECB since the start of the economic crisis, the Banking Union, the QE programme, the SSM, the EFSI and the CMU.  View Article
BoE Working Paper: Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds - and why this matters
This paper contrasts simple intermediation and financing models of banking. Compared to other identical intermediation models, and following identical shocks, financing models predict changes in bank lending that are far larger, happen much faster, and have much greater effects on the real economy.  View Article
  Think Tanks/EP groups
CEPS: Building a Capital Markets Union… or designing a financial system for the euro area?
Financial integration of the countries in EMU must receive top priority in a process that the rest of the European Union may then subsequently join.  View Article
Brookings: Greece is riskier than the markets seem to think
Financial markets should be more worried about Greece. There's a 50% probability of a default, which could lead to a Greek exit from the Euro.  View Article
Open Europe: The end game approaches in Greece
There have been countless rumours over the past days that a deal is close in negotiations between Greece and the Eurozone. But as we enter June, the issue will have to be settled one way or another.  View Article
Bruegel: The economics of parallel currencies
The idea of introducing a parallel currency in Greece has made a comeback as the country faces a severe shortage of euros.  View Article

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