Brexit 'Weekly'

12 November 2015

CMU, STS proposals, CMU, Brexit, EMU, Greece, Banking Union, SRF, European Deposit Insurance Scheme, economic EU Autumn forecast and more.

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  Articles from 05 November 2015 - 12 November 2015

  Grahams Articles, Comments & Speeches
The “STS” securitisation proposal: will it deliver for CMU?
Capital Market Union (CMU) is one of the top priorities for the European Commission and a revival of securitisation is a `low hanging fruit’ that Commissioner Hill wants to pick – and rapidly!  View Article
European Movement (UK): Graham Bishop elected to Executive Committee
We are delighted to announce that Graham Bishop was re-elected for another two-year term on the National Council of the European Movement (UK). On 7th November, he was then elected to the Executive Committee. This will enable him to play a full role in the `Brexit’ Referendum – whenever it may come.  View Article
David Cameron speech at Chatham House event: The Future of Britain's Relationship with the EU
British PM explained in detail the reforms he asked for in a letter sent to the President of the European Council, with four main objectives at the heart of the negotiations: single market, competitiveness, no 'ever closer union' for the UK; and controlling migration from the EU.  View Article
POLITICO: 10 takeaways on Cameron’s speech
Decoding the prime minister’s Brexit gamble.  View Article
TheCityUK responds to the Prime Minister’s EU reform proposals
TheCityUK's Cummings said that they "support the PM’s efforts to negotiate change". The most important principles outlined by Cameron, in their view, would be "ensuring non-discrimination between Euro and non-Euro states, and hardwiring competitiveness into the DNA of the future of the EU."  View Article
Open Europe responds to David Cameron’s letter and speech on EU reform
Open Europe has published its response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s letter to European Council President Donald Tusk as well as his speech earlier today, which set out his reform and renegotiation demands ahead of the EU referendum.  View Article
ESRI: Scoping the Possible Economic Implications of Brexit on Ireland
If the UK voted to leave the EU, the resulting changed relationship between the UK and the EU could potentially have far-reaching consequences for Ireland. ESRI researchers explore the economic links between Ireland and the UK and scope out the possible economic consequences of Brexit for Ireland.  View Article
Chatham House: Strengthening our voice in the global order
Chatham House has published a report by a group of leading foreign and security policy experts to consider how Britain’s voice can be strengthened.   View Article
POLITICO: David Cameron’s Brexit brinkmanship
The prime minister will get what he wants from the EU. But then what? An opinion by the European Council on Foreign Relations' Director Mark Leonard.  View Article
The Independent: David Cameron should spell it out. He wants a two-speed Europe
The climate is ripe for the British PM to do a deal, but he needs to acknowledge a few realities and do some reaching out, writes ALDE's Verhofstadt.  View Article
Policy Network: Cameron's EU reforms - steering between the trivial and the impossible
With the referendum on Britain's membership of the EU now a certainty, David Cameron now has to finally spell out exactly what EU reforms he intends to seek. He does this knowing full well that proposals cannot at the same time satisfy his rightwing backbenchers and Britain's EU partners.   View Article
Policy Network: Achieving a more competitive EU
The Juncker Commission's reforming zeal should aid Cameron in presenting the EU as a source of 'jobs, growth and innovation', but the reaction of the UK's EU partners to any assault on 'social Europe' must be considered.  View Article
Policy Network: What does Cameron actually want?
In this substantial extract of the forthcoming revised 'The Risk of Brexit', the author considers the key factors and figures that will play a major role in determining the re-negotiation’s success and explores possible opportunities for Cameron as well as potential pitfalls.  View Article
LSE: Investing for Influence
The LSE Diplomacy Commission report calls for the government to recognise the crisis of confidence of British foreign policy and take a broader approach to foreign policy rather than thinking in terms of narrow British interests.   View Article
CEPS: Fully-fledged Economic and Monetary Union: a common European destiny
If the common currency and the European Union itself are to survive, radical changes and bold decision making are needed, writes the Secretary General of European Movement International Petros Fassoulas.  View Article
ESM Managing Director on Greece: "There is no need for a nominal haircut"
ESM's Regling discussed the new financial assistance programme for Greece with the economic committee and Eurogroup's president Dijsselbloem.   View Article
EPIN: Greece as an example of “post-politics” in the eurozone
The negotiations between Greece and the EU and IMF tested the unity, limits, stamina and financial interdependence of eurozone member states.The high-risk political activism undertaken by Syriza’s leadership has contributed to the creation of another type of discourse in Europe.  View Article
Open Europe: A ‘roadmap’ to nowhere? Catalan parliament votes to begin independence process
Catalonia’s regional parliament has adopted a motion marking the official beginning of the political process towards a break-away from Spain. What happens next? What implications for the EU?  View Article
Council Conclusions on the Commission Action Plan on building a Capital Markets Union
The Council has published its conclusions on the CMU Action Plan, supporting a number of priority areas such as increasing the variety of financing sources, ensuring a regulatory environment for investment, enhancing the capacity of banks to lend and dismantling unjustified cross-border barriers.  View Article
European Political Strategy Centre: Towards a European Deposit Insurance Scheme
The European Commission’s in-house think tank has produced the first issue of its Five President's report series, in which it concludes that the SRB would be the best placed institution to house the nascent European Deposit Insurance Scheme, and that the ESM would serve as its backstop.  View Article
European Political Strategy Centre: Further Risk Reduction in the Banking Union
The European Commission’s in-house think tank released an issue of its Five President's report series regarding Banking Union, in which it said that a large exposure regime of euro area banks to their own sovereigns is the preferred policy option. If introduced, it would be placed with the ECB.  View Article
European Political Strategy Centre: Bridge Financing Options for the Single Resolution Fund
This issue of the EPSC's Five President's report series argued that the ultimate solution for bridge financing as a fundamental tool of the SRF will imply a combination of the provision of guarantees and conditional credit lines by the Member States and an acceleration of the SRF mutualisation path.  View Article
VoxEU: The macroeconomic effects of the Eurozone's fiscal consolidation
With austerity both in the household and the firm sector, fiscal consolidation would be responsible for the weak growth performance in the eurozone during 2011-2013. Postponing the fiscal consolidation to a period of unconstrained monetary policy would have avoided most of these losses.  View Article
European Commission: Autumn forecast points to moderate recovery
The economic recovery should continue at a modest pace next year despite more challenging conditions in the global economy, according to the 2015 Autumn Economic Forecast of the European Commission.  View Article
EurActiv: European Commission - 3 million migrants won’t harm EU economy
Three million migrants fleeing war and poverty are seen entering the EU by 2017 in a development likely to have a marginal positive impact on the economy, Commissioner Moscovici said.  View Article
European Council: Remarks by Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting
Eurogroup's president outlined the main highlights of the meeting: the BRRD and specifically the setting up of the SRB; the state of play of Greece; the ongoing economic recovery in the euro area shown in the autumn forecast and the follow-up to the Five President's report.  View Article
ECB publishes new statistical report on the Household Sector
The ECB published a new quarterly Household Sector Report. The statistical compilation focuses on the household sector in the euro area as a whole and in each of the 19 euro area countries.   View Article
Bloomberg: Is Europe's Economy So Bad the ECB Will Run Out of Things to Buy?
Some argue that if the central bank needs to ramp up asset purchases to further spur growth, there may not be enough out there. Unless they change the rules.  View Article
European Council: Savings taxation directive repealed
Directive 2003/48/EC, which since 2005 has allowed tax administrations better access to information on private savers, was repealed by the Council as a follow-up to a strengthening of measures to prevent tax evasion.  View Article
ECA: 2014 EU audit in brief
The ECA audited the revenue and expenditure of the 2014 EU budget and the European Development Funds and provided its opinion on the extent to which the annual accounts are reliable and income and spending transactions comply with the applicable rules and regulations.   View Article

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