The Independent: Remain would win second Brexit referendum but no-deal would get more votes than Theresa May's deal, poll indicates

20 March 2019

Britain is due to leave the EU in nine days time, with or without a deal, but after MPs voted against a no-deal exit, and also against the exit deal negotiated by Theresa May, the government has requested an extension to the Brexit deadline.

As the European Union mulls whether to grant the extension, a snap poll by YouGov indicates 61 per cent of the population would vote to remain in the EU rather than for Theresa May’s deal (39 per cent) if a referendum offering those options were called.

However, if people were asked in a public vote whether they would prefer to remain in the EU or leave with no deal in place, remain would still win, though by the smaller margin of 57-43 per cent.

It shows a 22-point lead for Remain over Ms May’s deal, or a 14-point lead for Remain over no deal at all.

The poll, done on behalf of the Put it to the People campaign, comes as second referendum expectations have risen. [...]

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