ESBG, together with 17 other European associations recently signed a
joint statement on the European Data Protection Board supplementary
measures. ESBG points to the impact of data flows for Europe: Whether
for consumers buying products or services through their bank accounts,
medical research or suppliers collaborating to overcome a health crisis,
paymasters remunerating employees, travellers booking a flight or a
considers that the current draft recommendations released by the
European Data Protection Board (EDPB) will make Europe’s ability to
operate within the global economy unreasonably impractical. The draft
recommendations are overly prescriptive, mandate specific technical
measures in all situations and focus
on unworkable end-to-end encryption. The draft recommendations create
legal uncertainty and hamper the free flow of data, causing a negative
impact on digital trade and the benefits it offers Europe’s society.
>> Read the full statement here