Asking for a loan will be safer in the EU after the Council’s final approval of the Consumer Credit Directive

09 October 2023

The Council has today adopted the consumer credit directive, which aims to enhance the protection for European consumers applying for credit. The revised legislation repeals and replaces the current 2008 directive on consumer credit agreements.

While the digital transition facilitates access to credit, we need to protect consumers from irresponsible lending practices that spread particularly in online environments. This new legislation will ensure that consumers have all the information they need, and that it is presented clearly, even for small-scale credit.

Alberto Garzón Espinosa, Spanish Acting Minister for Consumer Affairs

The directive adopted today:

Next steps

Following the Council’s approval today of the provisional agreement, the legislative act has been adopted.

After being signed by the President of the European Parliament and the President of the Council, the directive will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication.



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