EPC: Doing business the right way: Pushing for green and social corporate governance

21 May 2020

Reforms to corporate governance and EU company law could support the Union’s recovery efforts and promote a sustainable economy at the same time.

This Policy Brief assesses two instruments in the EU corporate governance toolbox: the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which requires large companies to disclose information about how they are run and how their activities impact the environment and human rights, and the Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRDII), which aims to strengthen the position of shareholders and reduce short-termism and excessive risk-taking by companies. It also covers the principle of shareholder primacy – the idea that shareholder interests should take precedence over all else – and executive remuneration.

To enable a green recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, the paper recommends the following reforms: 

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shown the critical necessity to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of our societies and fundamentally change how our economies are run. By reforming corporate governance and EU company law along the lines mentioned above, the EU would be a big step closer to truly sustainable development.

Read the full paper here

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