IASB: Educational material: the effects of climate-related matters on financial statements prepared applying IFRS Standards

20 November 2020

The IFRS Foundation has today published educational material to highlight how existing requirements in IFRS Standards require companies to consider climate-related matters when their effect is material to the financial statements.

Links: consider climate-related matters when their effect is material to the financial statements.

The educational material complements an article that member of the International Accounting Standards Board Nick Anderson wrote on this topic in November 2019. The educational material has been developed in response to stakeholder requests for further information on this topic.

The material contains a non-exhaustive list of examples of when companies may need to consider climate-related matters in their reporting and is aimed at supporting the consistent application of IFRS Standards. It does not add to or change the requirements in the Standards.

The material has been produced according to the requirements set out in the revised Due Process Handbook, which was published in August 2020.

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