ESAs Joint Consultation paper on Taxonomy-related sustainability disclosures (SFDR RTS): EBF response

14 May 2021

Lack of comparable, reliable and standardized data (including from external data providers) and information necessary both for a complete and correct due diligence and classification of the financial products’ sustainability degree remain a critical issue. Companies will only begin to report their taxonomy alignment in 2022.

The European Banking Federation has responded to the ESAs Joint Consultation paper on Taxonomy-related sustainability disclosures (SFDR RTS).

Key message:

  1. invests in activities that contribute to an environmental objective [article 9 products, taxonomy aligned or non-taxonomy aligned];
  2. invests in environmentally sustainable investments [=taxonomy aligned];
  3. promotes environmental characteristics [Article 8 products];
  4. invests in socially sustainable investments Art. 9];
  5. promotes social characteristics [Art. 8];
  6. invests in both environmentally and socially sustainable investments (Article 9, either taxonomy aligned or other);
  7. promotes environmental and social characteristics (Article 8).