EBA consultation on draft technical standards on Pillar 3 disclosures of ESG risks: EBF response
02 June 2021
A few key points of the EBF response on the EBA consultation on draft technical standards on Pillar 3 disclosures of ESG risks:
- Article 8 reporting requirements should not be included in the
Pillar 3 scope and only disclosed under the Taxonomy Regulation
Delegated Act.
- ESG Pillar 3 content, scope and frequency should be aligned with NFRD/ CSRD content, scope and frequency.
- The ITS requirements should be simplified, aligned with the
objective of public risk disclosures and reflect the maturity of
methodological developments as well as availability of relevant and
reliable data. A meaningful reporting to supervisors / survey should be
explored until robust methodologies for banks are developed at EU level.
- The disclosures should focus on the exposures of the banking book which represent the vast majority of banks’ risks.
- We recommend that EBA develops a Pillar 3 approach by building
blocks. It should commence with a limited number of ‘core’ templates
based on available and high-quality data and methodologies and
gradually, the level of granularity should be adapted.
Full paper