PensionsEurope input to EC consultation on ESG ratings

08 June 2022

... welcomes the consultation, shares many of the Commission’s concerns, and welcomes the Commission’s further work to improve the ratings and the functioning of the market;

In its input to European Commission’s consultation on ESG ratings, PensionsEurope e.g.:

- stresses that the current main challenges for pension funds are related to ESG data, as there is clearly a lack of reliable and accurate ESG data, which pension funds need to report under the SFDR;
- proposes to adopt a holistic and coordinated regulatory approach to both financial and non-financial (ESG) data in the EU, as well as establishing a proper regulatory framework for data providers: ensuring coherence in the EU legislation on data providers’ services on financial data, facilitating direct access to data, and implementing new transparency and accountability requirements for data providers’ activities.


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