Graham Bishop: Welcome to the 2014 Timeline

09 January 2014

Graham sets out the 2014 timeline for the political, financial, economic and budgetary fields, with a focus on the forthcoming EU elections.

I spent much of the 'holiday’ drafting my next book setting out my formal proposal for a Temporary Eurobill Fund (TEF). I shall aim to publish that after the Expert Group on DRF and Eurobills meets its mandate deadline and produces our report in March.

However, it did make me realise what a big year 2014 is going to be in so many ways. By the end of 2014, the EU will have a new Commission, a new Parliament and further economic integration of the euro area coupled with an effective Banking Union (even if it is not as complete as many had hoped). The May elections to the European Parliament could well turn out to be something of a plebiscite on the conduct of the crisis, and the result in the UK may have sent a strong signal about the chances of the UK remain a member of the EU.

So I have also drafted a Timeline for the events that will unfold in the political, financial, economic and budgetary fields. The format enables us to keep a rolling review of up-coming events along the 2014 Timeline. Please contact me if you would like to know more about this new product: graham@grahambishop.

Please click on the PDF link below to access the full timeline.

© Graham Bishop