The Commission presented its Annual Policy Strategy setting out its political priorities for 2009, outlining the Commission's policy objectives in five priority areas. "Economic reform, more jobs, tackling climate change and energy insecurity, migration and more security for our citizens are at the centre of our priorities for 2009”, Commission President José Manuel Barroso said.
During 2009, the Commission will follow up on the Single Market review and on the revised Social Agenda. 2009 will also be marked by the possible entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, a new European Parliament and a new European Commission.
The priorities for 2009 include advance work on Retail Financial Services, in particular on mortgage credit, bank account mobility, implementation of the Single European Payments Area, product tying and other unfair practices, cross-border redress between consumers and financial services providers.
Further information:
In view of the Spring European Council, in early 2008 a strategic review will present the progress made in 2007 under the different strands of the Better Regulation agenda. The review will in particular update and strengthen the Commission's Simplification Rolling Programme and report on the implementation of the Action Programme for reducing administrative burdens as well as taking stock of the new arrangements governing impact assessment since the setting up of the Impact Assessment Board.
For 2008 is also envisaged a revision of a number of important sections of the Capital Requirement Directive to update and reduce regulatory burdens for Member States and the banking industry:
• Improved framework for co-operation and the exchange of information between supervisors (in
particular, emergency situations). Access of host supervisors to branch information;
• Revision of the large exposure requirements;
• Prudential treatment for hybrid capital instruments eligible in tier 1 capital;
• Extension of waivers for cooperative banks;
• Clarification and technical adjustments of the CRD (including default risk treatment in the trading
Finally, 2008 forsees a proposal for a Framework Directive on Consumer Contractual Rights as well as a Regulation for a European Private Company Statute
The Annual Policy Strategy also identifies the main communication priorities for 2009. On the basis of this Annual Policy Strategy, the Commission will initiate an exchange of views with the European Parliament and Council on where the policy priorities should lie in 2009, and how this should be reflected in the Commission's legislative and work programme to be adopted in October and in the budget for 2009.
Annual policy strategy for 2009
Commission’s strategic objectives 2005-2009
Commission Legislative and Work Programme 2008
Roadmaps 2008:
Further information:
Commission actions expected to be adopted