House of Lords: Call for evidence on Own Resources of the EU

24 July 2006

The House of Lords call for evidence issued an inquiry into the Own Resources of the EU. The Sub-Committee, under the Chairmanship of Lord Radice, has decided to conduct an inquiry into these Own Resources. This inquiry will review the principles underpinning the European budget’s revenue and will make recommendations on whether the system should be reformed, together with the specifics of any reform, in advance of the review of the Budget to be held in 2008 – 09.

The inquiry will seek to answer the following key questions:

  • What principles should underpin the way in which the money for Europe’s budget is raised?
  • Is the present system of Own Resources fair?
  • Is the present system of Own Resources sustainable?
  • What changes, if any, should be made to the system?
  • Should the European Union be given a tax of its own?
  • Is a system of Own Resources the best way of the EU raising its money?
  • What effect has enlargement had on the Own Resources System?

    The Sub-Committee would welcome written comments on these issues.

    Deadline for responses is 9 October 2006.

