G20 Working Group - Enhancing Sound Regulation and Strengthening Transparency

25 March 2009

The Report sets out 25 recommendations for Leaders that the Working Group strongly believes will support the vital role of the financial system in promoting economic growth while, at the same time, reducing the likelihood of a similar crisis in the future and mitigating the consequences of future periods of financial stress.


The key overarching recommendations of Working Group 1 can be summarized in five broad points.


1. As a supplement to sound micro-prudential and market integrity regulation, national financial regulatory frameworks should be reinforced with a macro-prudential overlay that promotes a system-wide approach to financial regulation and oversight and mitigates the build-up of excess risks across the system. In most jurisdictions, this will require improved coordination mechanisms between various financial authorities, mandates for all financial authorities to take account of financial system stability, and effective tools to address systemic risks. It will also require an effective global table to bring together national financial authorities to jointly assess systemic risks across the global financial system and coordinate policy responses.


2. The scope of regulation and oversight should be expanded to include all systemically important institutions, markets and instruments. This will require enhanced information for financial authorities on all material financial institutions and markets, including private pools of capital. Large complex financial institutions require particularly robust oversight given their size and global reach. The regulatory and oversight framework should strive to treat similar institutions and activities consistently, with greater emphasis on functions and activities and less emphasis on legal status.


3. Once conditions in the financial system have recovered, international standards for capital and liquidity buffers should be enhanced, and the build-up of capital buffers and provisions in good times should be encouraged so that capital can absorb losses and be drawn down in difficult times.


4. Through the expanded Financial Stability Forum, the International Monetary Fund and the international standard setters, international standards, including those for macro-prudential regulation, the scope of regulation, capital adequacy and liquidity buffers, should be coordinated to ensure a common and coherent international framework, which national financial authorities should apply in their countries consistent with national circumstances. The financial regulatory and oversight frameworks and their implementation in all G-20 countries should be reviewed periodically, validated internationally and made public.


5. Sound micro-prudential and market-conduct regulation supplemented with an effective macro-prudential framework requires enhancements to a range of supporting policies and infrastructure, including: compensation practices that promote prudent risk taking in line with principles developed by the FSF; the greater standardization of derivatives contracts and the use of risk-proofed central counterparties; improved accounting standards that better recognize loan-loss provisions and dampen adverse dynamics associated with fair-value accounting; effective enforcement of regulation that is coordinated internationally including the enforcement of the adherence of credit rating agencies to the substance of the IOSCO code of conduct; and national authorities and international standard setters working together and assisting each other in strengthening financial regulatory and oversight frameworks and their implementation across the G-20 and beyond.


Full report


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