Commission study on the costs and benefits of policy actions in the field of ensuring access to a basic bank account
20 October 2010
The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) is carried out a Study on the Costs andBenefits of Policy Actions in the Field of ensuring access to a Basic Bank Account for DG Internal Market and Services.
The aims of the study are to identify the costs and benefits for stakeholders of EU action in this area. The study will examine what measure (or combination of measures) would be most effective and proportionate to address the issue of access to a Basic Bank Account.
Possible policy actions to be considered will include variants amongst five options as follows:
• Option 1: no further EU action
• Option 2: promoting and sharing of best practices
• Option 3: encouraging self-regulation by the industry at EU level
• Option 4: an EU Recommendation
• Option 5: an EU Directive
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