CEBS advice on deposit guarantee schemes

30 September 2005

CEBS issued its technical advice on issues covering the deposit guarantee systems to the Commission as part of a wide-ranging review of the Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes.

Deposit guarantee schemes must be considered within the context of the broader EU banking framework, and that framework is currently undergoing rapid change in a variety of areas. CEBS considers that while a case can be made for change, reform might impose disproportionate costs. CEBS’ experience in other areas suggests that the current diversity of deposit guarantee schemes is not necessarily a hurdle for financial integration.

CEBS concludes that the present regime does not currently appear to need significant amendment. However, these conclusions might change Finally, these conclusions apply from a panEuropean perspective, which CEBS has adopted for obvious reasons. CEBS recognises that there are already some cases at a regional level which might call for more urgent changes.


© CEBS - Committee of European Banking Supervisors