Commission published first Alert Mechanism Report - Tackling macro-economic imbalances in the EU

14 February 2012

The EU's new rules on economic governance, the so-called "six-pack", has two legs: fiscal and macro-economic surveillance. The macro-economic imbalances procedure is a new tool that helps detect and correct risky economic developments.

Its first ever annual Alert Mechanism Report (AMR), adopted today, kicks-off the surveillance. The European Commission identifies 12 EU Member States whose macro-economic situation needs to be analysed in more depth. It is only these subsequent in-depth reviews that will assess whether or not imbalances exist and whether or not they are harmful.

Olli Rehn, Vice-President for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro, said: "This crisis has highlighted risks that macro-economic imbalances pose for financial stability, economic prospects and for the welfare of a country, its citizens and the European Union as a whole. Today, we kick-off an in-depth scrutiny of a country's macro-economic situation as a first step. If it turns out that imbalances exist and that they are harmful, this new tool is a meaningful step towards correcting the imbalances which built up over the years. Sound fiscal policies and early detection and correction of risky economic imbalances are necessary conditions to return to sustainable growth and jobs. "

Based on a scoreboard of 10 macro-economic indicators, such as a loss of competitiveness, a high level of indebtedness or assets price bubbles, and taking into account other economic data, the Alert Mechanism Report identifies Member States whose macro-economic situation needs to be scrutinised in more depth. This is the starting point of the new Macro-economic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) that will deepen the dialogue on economic policy-making with the Member States. If necessary, the European Commission will issue a recommendation to the Member State concerned to take appropriate action to correct the situation or prevent imbalances from persisting.

The European Commission considers that the macro-economic situation in the following countries needs to be investigated further (in alphabetical order): Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

The Report concludes that the following countries do not require a further in-depth review at this point in time: Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland and Slovakia. However, for these countries, there will be recommendations on fiscal and macro-economic policies within the scope of the European Semester.

In-depth reviews have not been proposed for Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Romania, as these countries benefit from a conditional financial assistance programme by the EU and IMF, and are therefore already subject to enhanced economic surveillance.

Among the reasons for calling for in-depth analysis on these 12 countries are the following:

Moreover, the economic reading of the scoreboard points to the need for further analysis of the drivers and policy implications of large and sustained current account surpluses.

Press release

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