Francesco Giavazzi: Avoiding an Italian bailout - Why and how

13 August 2012

In this column, Francesco Giavazzi – advisor to the Monti government – argues that Italy's situation is nothing like Spain's. To avoid submitting itself to its EFSF conditionality, Italy should reduce its borrowing needs with a determined programme of public asset sales and bridge financing from the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

Spain has no options, but Italy does

Spain will have to accept EFSF conditionality in order to persuade the ECB to buy its bonds. Italy is different; Italy should not bow to the EFSF and submit itself to its conditionality in order to persuade the ECB to buy its bonds. Spain may have no other option than to turn to the EFSF and the ECB for assistance: Italy has, and should pursue them. By going to the EFSF together with Spain – as many in the markets are advising – the two countries would be put in the same basket, one in which Italy does not belong.

Italy can and should avoid engaging with the EFSF for two reasons:

First, Italy’s economic situation is very different from Spain’s.
Second, Italy’s technocratic government owes its legitimacy to its ability to steer the country through stormy times – something its politicians proved unable to do. This is the main reason why Italians welcomed Monti’s non-elected cabinet.
The storm to come: When Spain goes to the EFSF
The day Spain goes to the EFSF and the ECB starts buying bonds, Italian bonds will be under renewed pressure. To survive while renouncing to outside help, the Monti government needs a plan. This should come in two parts.
First Italy should reduce the amount of medium- and long-term bonds it auctions from now until the general election because yields will not fall until the political uncertainty is resolved.
The stock market is depressed, but what the government pays to finance itself is also exceptionally high.

Privatisation stigma versus EFSF conditionality

After the large privatisation programme of the 1990s, Italy has been reluctant to dispose of any of its government-owned assets. The stigma attached to asking for outside help may provide the incentive to start selling, which so far has been lacking. None of this would solve Italy’s underlying weakness stemming from a decade of weak growth. But it would give the country a period of relative calm which Parliament could use to sort out the electoral law and Monti could use to give new impetus to his government.

After raising an unprecedented amount of taxes – and contributing to deepen the recession – Monti has belatedly embarked on a programme of spending cuts—the first ever in Italy’s history. Inducing the government to go to the EFSF and thus trigger an early election is the strategy of those that are desperately trying to avoid these cuts.

Full article

See also Charles Wyplosz's response to this article in VoxEU on 15 August, 'Italy’s 'this time it’s different' moment: Reaction to Giavazzi'. Wyplosz argues that in spite of all its admirable human and economic assets, Italy has moved to a bad equilibrium from which it is most unlikely to escape.
