Graham Bishop's Blog: Brexit - Hague versus City/British industry/Lib Dems?

25 October 2012

Has fog cut Continent off from British wisdom?

The Banking Union debate is heating up – and looks set to be a major event in UK/EU relations. Is British industry and the City now waking up to the real risks of a fracture of the Single Market? Can such a fracture be avoided in the longer term?

As usual at this time of year, there are heavy fogs around southern England and it is abundantly clear that the Continent is indeed completely cut off from the received wisdom of the British political class cocooned in Westminster. Indeed, the fog is so dense that it is not even certain that van Rompuy’s Interim Report “Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union” has percolated through the internet to London, as there is little evidence that it has even been read.

Will the UK’s private sector make the commercial argument sufficiently publicly and strongly that it becomes a potent political force? Otherwise the drift to 'Brexit' remains intact. clients: click for more.

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© Graham Bishop