EBA consults on technical standards for recovery plans

11 March 2013

The EBA launched a consultation on draft RTS on the content of recovery plans. In doing so, the EBA starts the preparatory work for the implementation of the Recovery and Resolution Directive (RRD) currently discussed by the EU legislators. Deadline for comments is 11 June, 2013.

These RTS will contribute to the European Single Rulebook in banking and aim at enhancing financial stability and minimising the probability of banks’ failure.

Recovery plans shall set out the arrangements and measures a bank would adopt to restore long-term financial viability in case of severe distress. According to the proposed draft RTS, recovery plans developed at group and individual level will need to include at least the following five key parts:

The content proposed in these RTS builds on the EBA Recommendation issued in January 2013 to foster the development of group recovery plans and their discussion within colleges of supervisors.

The proposed consultation paper is based on the draft Directive establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms (the so-called Recovery and Resolution Directive - RRD) as proposed by the European Commission on 6 June 2012. As the text is still being discussed by the EU legislators (European Parliament and Council), the draft RTS might be amended after the consultation to take into account inter alia possible changes in the final RRD.

The proposal for a Recovery and Resolution Directive assigns the EBA with a number of tasks related to three main areas:

Comments on this consultation can be sent to the EBA by 11.06.2013.

Press release

Full consultation paper