EP commissions two studies reviewing the European system of financial supervision

17 May 2013

The EP has commissioned two studies reviewing the European system of financial supervision. Part 1 deals with the work of the ESAs; Part 2 addresses the work of the ESRB. The deadline for responses is 21 June, 2013.

The European Parliament has commissioned two studies reviewing the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS):

These studies will inform the deliberations of the European Parliament, in particular its Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs’ (ECON). Mazars has been commissioned to write the study on the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs).

This opinion survey(s) covering the work and performance of the ESAs’ since their establishment in January 2011. The questionnaires comprise circa 70 short questions each and are based around the following sections:

The twin study on the review of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) is carried out by Oxford Analytica. There is no public survey on the ESRB, but all interested stakeholders are invited to provide Oxford Analytica directly with their input and observations to the attention of John Roche, Oxford Analytica, 5 Alfred Street, Oxford, UK, OX1 4EH, tel. +44 1865 261 654, e-mail: JRoche@oxford-analytica.com.

The deadline for responses is 21 June, 2013.

Full information

Survey +

Mazars letter

*Sven Giegold's draft report with recommendations to the Commission on the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) Review, 11.10.13