EBA publishes final draft ITS on supervisory reporting requirements

26 July 2013

EBA published its final draft Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting. They set out reporting requirements related to own funds, financial information, losses stemming from lending collateralised by immovable property, large exposures, leverage ratio and liquidity ratios.

Uniform reporting requirements are necessary to ensure fair conditions of competition between comparable groups of credit institutions and investment firms. In this respect, these ITS on reporting requirements will lead to greater efficiency for institutions, but also to greater convergence of supervisory practices across Members States, allowing supervisors to identify and assess risks consistently across the EU and to compare EU banks in an effective manner.

These draft ITS specify uniform formats, frequencies, dates of reporting, definitions and IT solutions to be applied by credit institutions and investment firms in Europe on both an individual and consolidated level, with the exception of financial information.

The ITS package released today includes the following technical documents:

Questions from stakeholders on the interpretation and implementation of the requirements included in the ITS will be answered by the EBA using a Q&A tool available on its website. Answers will only be published once the Standards have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Press release

ITS – leverage ratio

ITS – data point model

ITS – COREP, COREP-large exposures and FINREP

ITS - liquidity coverage and stable funding