EBA publishes new taxonomy for remittance of supervisory reporting

08 July 2014

In the ITS on supervisory reporting, the EBA presents an XBRL taxonomy: data items, business concepts, relations, visualisations and validation rules, including amendments relating to asset encumbrance, forbearance and non-performing exposures.

The taxonomy defines a representation for data collection under the reporting requirements related to own funds, financial information, losses stemming from lending collateralised by immovable property, large exposures, leverage ratio, liquidity ratios and asset encumbrance. As part of enhancing regulatory harmonisation in the EU banking sector and facilitating cross-border supervision, uniform data formats are necessary to enable comparable data on credit institutions and investment firms across the EU.

Although the EBA XBRL taxonomy was primarily developed for data transmission between competent authorities and the EBA, many authorities have been using it for the collection of supervisory reporting from the credit institutions and investment firms they supervise. In this respect, the taxonomy proposed by the EBA will lead to greater efficiency in and convergence of supervisory practices across Members States. In addition, it will facilitate the supervisory process, allowing supervisors to identify and assess risks consistently across the EU and to compare EU banks in an effective manner.

The updated taxonomy issued incorporates corrections to the COREP and FINREP reporting structures so as to be better in line with the published ITS, and new reporting structures for asset encumbrance. It includes the following technical documents:

The existing taxonomy (2.0.1) related to the September 2013 framework release is to be used for remittance to the EBA for reports with reference dates prior to 30 September 2014. Reports with reference dates as of 30 September 2014 and beyond are to use this revised taxonomy (2.1), which is related to the March 2014 framework release. Remittance of FINREP reports will, therefore, commence using this revised taxonomy.

The new taxonomy applies from 30 September 2014.

Press release

Data Point Model and Taxonomies

Supervisory reporting