Commission issues Portability Directive

20 October 2005

The Commission has published the Portability Directive which aims to allow European citizen to move jobs and country without losing work pension benefits. At present, changing job or country can mean losing occupational pension benefits in some Member States. The proposal is designed to reduce the obstacles to mobility within and between Member States caused by present supplementary pension schemes provisions. These obstacles relate to the conditions of acquisition of pension rights, the preservation of dormant, and the transferability of acquired rights. The proposal also seeks to improve the information given to workers on how mobility may affect supplementary pension rights.

Member States have the option to exempt book reserve schemes and support relief funds, commonly found in countries such as Germany.

The Directive comes at a time of increased focus on supplementary pensions in the EU, with many countries introducing reforms in anticipation of the effects of ageing populations.

Press release
Impact Assessment

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