The City UK: UK financial industry hits new trade surplus record

01 November 2016

A new TheCityUK report reveals the UK’s trade surplus in financial services has reached a record high, up £185m year-on-year to reach £63.4bn in 2015.

This record figure is a key contributor to mitigating the nation’s increasing trade deficit (£-38.7bn in 2015 [2]), underlining the importance on the UK’s export of services – in particular financial and related professional services – to boost economic growth.

According to the report: ‘Key Facts about the UK as an International Financial Centre’, the UK’s trade surplus in financial services was larger than those of the next four leading countries combined: the US, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Singapore. When the estimated trade surplus for related professional services is also taken into account, the overall surplus for the industry climbs to $110bn (£71.9bn).

Miles Celic, Chief Executive, TheCityUK, said:

The continued growth of the industry’s trade surplus is a direct reflection of the strength of the UK as the leading exporter of financial and related professional services globally.

Thirty years on from the momentous changes which resulted in the so called Big Bang, the UK-based financial and related professional services industry has made its most significant contribution to UK exports to date. Our largest trading partners are the US and the EU, but our ability to strengthen and deepen trade and investment ties with key developed and emerging markets over the coming years will be absolutely central to enabling us to deliver ongoing economic growth – particularly in the context of Brexit.[...]

Other key facts from TheCityUK’s report include:

Full report

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