JURI vote on Takeover Directive

27 November 2003

The European Parliaments Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market voted on the Takeover Directive adopting some 30 compromise amendments which were already adopted by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee yesterday.

However, in contrast to the EMAC vote, the compromise amendments Nr. 6, 15, and 19 dealing with workers rights were rejected.

According to Mr. Lehne, rapporteur of the Directive in JURI Committee and Mr. Huhne of EMAC Committee, both said that they received clear signals from the Italian Presidency that Council would not accept the mentioned three amendments.

Mrs. Van den Burg and Mrs. Gebhard on the other hand said, that they won’t accept the deletion wihin first reading and warned that the whole proposal could fail in the final Parliaments vote if the three amendments were not adopted.

In his statement before EMAC Committee Commissioner Bolkestein already stated that the amended Directive “is not worth the paper it is written on”. The essential provisions of article 9 and 11, which should create a level playing field, are now optional.

Compromise amendments

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