ISLA releases its Securities Lending Market Report, 9th Edition

11 September 2018

The report considers the scope and depth of the securities lending markets globally including the key role that securities lending plays around the mobilisation of High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) and how the slow down in quantitative easing from central banks could change this market.

This is the 9th edition of the report and it builds upon the core themes of market transparency and driving the debate around the role of securities lending within the broader capital markets.

The report also provides a showcase for new thinking and market developments and in the latest edition there are contributions from Boaz Yaari at Sharegain and Habib Motani at Clifford Chance. Whilst both of these guest pieces are very different they are both very relevant and timely as we think about the future of the industry.

Andy Dyson, at ISLA said ‘As ever we have tried to make the report both informative and thought provoking. In this latest report we highlight a number of important market trends including the size and scope of the securities lending market globally, but I am also delighted to welcome the guest contributions from Boaz Yaari at Sharegain and Habib Motani at Clifford Chance. Whilst both of these guest pieces are very different they are both very relevant and timely as we think about the future of the industry.’

Full report

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