City of London Corporation: Employment trends in financial services and beyond in the City, London and Great Britain

03 October 2019

City of London jobs reached a record high, although growth was slower than in the previous year, according to new data.

The Office of National Statistics data showed that in 2018, City of London jobs increased to 522,000. This is the highest figure yet - but the number of new jobs created was the smallest since 2012. The number of workers in financial services and insurance in the City increased from 174,000 to 179,000 last year. However, Great Britain employment in financial services stood at 1,031,000 jobs, 0.8% less than in 2017.

The number of financial services and insurance jobs in London numbered 368,000, a decrease of 1.1% last year, mostly driven by actuarial services, fund management and bank jobs. This follows on from a decrease (5%) in 2017 and a significant increase (8%) in 2016.

Employment trends in financial services and beyond in the City, London and Great Britain

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