European Parliament: Climate change: new rules agreed to determine which investments are green

17 December 2019

Parliament negotiators reached an agreement with the Council on new criteria to determine whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable.

The so-called “taxonomy regulation” stipulates that the following environmental objectives should be considered when evaluating how sustainable an economic activity is:

“The taxonomy for sustainable investment is probably the most important development for finance since accounting. It will be a game changer in the fight against climate change”, said lead negotiator for the Environment Committee, Sirpa Pietikainen (EPP, FI). “I am satisfied that we reached a balanced agreement with Council, but this is only the beginning. Greening the financial sector is a first step to make investments flow in the right direction, so it serves the transition to a carbon neutral economy”, she added.

“All financial products which claim to be sustainable will have to prove it following strict and ambitious EU criteria. The compromise also includes a clear mandate for the Commission to start working on defining environmentally harmful activities at a later stage. Phasing out those activities and investments is indeed as important to achieve climate-neutrality as supporting decarbonised activities”, said Economic Affairs Committee rapporteur Bas Eickhout (Greens/EFA, NL).

Full press release on European Parliament

Commission proposal 
EP research: Sustainable finance – EU taxonomy, A framework to facilitate sustainable investment 

© European Parliament