EFAMA: EU needs a usable, investor-centric and globally relevant social taxonomy

10 September 2021

“A usable, investor-centric and globally relevant social taxonomy would rebalance the EU´s sustainable finance strategy and grasp the full potential of ESG investing...."

EFAMA responded to a public consultation of the Platform on Sustainable Finance on a social taxonomy.   


Tanguy van de Werve, EFAMA Director General, commented: A usable, investor-centric and globally relevant social taxonomy would rebalance the EU´s sustainable finance strategy and grasp the full potential of ESG investing. The ongoing Covid 19 pandemic demonstrates that investments in projects addressing social needs cannot be neglected, and the recent surge in social impact funds with a 165%[1] net asset growth rate since the end of 2018, reveals a strong market appetite.”


Dominik Hatiar, EFAMA Regulatory Policy Advisor, added: “Although social risks and opportunities are more difficult to quantify, there is currently a clear regulatory gap, as social funds are unable to demonstrate taxonomy-alignment and can thus not be distributed along this channel of clients´ sustainability preferences under MiFID II. To avoid duplicating some of the reporting challenges created with the environmental taxonomy, the social taxonomy needs to be aligned with the current social data availability and will require investee company reporting ahead of investor disclosures.


EFAMA provided the following four policy recommendations for the social taxonomy:






© EFAMA - European Fund and Asset Management Association