STUDY Requested by the ECON committee: Green Bonds

13 April 2022

An assessment of the proposed EU Green Bond Standard and its potential to prevent greenwashing

This study analyses the Commission proposal for a Regulationon
European greenbonds.It compares theproposal with existingEU
legislation on sustainable finance and financial regulation and
contextualises it in the EU green bond market. The assessment
covers key regulatory aims, advantages of voluntary and
mandatory options, different types of sustainable bonds,
alignment with the Taxonomy Regulation, corporate and
sovereign bonds, transparency requirements, review and
supervision, enforcement and sanctions, and international
aspects. On each aspect it provides policy recommendations to
the co-legislators.

This document was provided by the Policy Department for
Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of
the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)

European Parliament

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