SASB: Leading global investors commend direction of IFRS Sustainability Exposure Drafts

23 May 2022

Investors representing over US$53 trillion in assets, hailing from Asia, the European Union, North America and the UK, have commended the direction of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards Exposure Drafts.

In a letter, signed 19 May and sent to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), the investors commended the ISSB’s responsiveness to meeting investor needs for improved sustainability-related disclosures.

The ISSB’s proposals — IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial
Disclosure and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures — are intended to create a comprehensive global
baseline of investor-focused sustainability disclosure, in a drive to put much-needed rigour and
standardization into sustainability-disclosure across markets. The proposals are open for consultation
until 29 July.

The investors, who form the SASB Standards Investor Advisory Group (IAG), emphasized the
importance of ‘comparable, consistent, and reliable sustainability-related data to inform investment and
stewardship decisions’, reiterating the importance of an industry-based approach — focused on the
drivers of risk and return most relevant to business models in a given industry. Industry-based SASB
Standards — which have been adopted voluntarily by businesses and investors around the world — play a key role in providing content for both Exposure Drafts...

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