
Graham Bishop
 was founded in July 2000 to bring directly to its clients the commercial insights that flow from Graham Bishop's standing as a leading technical analyst of economic and structural developments in the financial markets of Europe.

"The deregulation of Europe's financial markets due to the Single Market programme and EMU, create commercial and investment opportunities, so my publications, press articles, and speeches are designed to provide an informed commentary from the practical perspective of a market participant."
-- Graham Bishop  

Several continuing themes have dominated Graham's work at Salomon Brothers/Citigroup and, subsequently, as an independent analyst.  These started with the technical nature of the financial system, building up to the political impact of modern markets: 

This work started as the "1992" Single Market programme commenced in the late 1980s, expanded with the Treaty of Maastricht and developed continuously after the introduction of the euro. The launch of the Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP) in 1999 led to a mushrooming of European-level legislation designed to fill in the detail necessary for a genuinely single financial market.

·         EMU: The Impact on Financial Institutions and the Structure of Financial Markets

·         The Role of Financial Markets in the Drive to EMU

·         EMU: The role of Market Discipline in maintaining Fiscal Sovereignty

·         EMU and Political Sovereignty

The European Commission's White Paper of December 2005 laid out a programme to 2010 for deepening the integration of the securities markets and stressed the need for that integration to spread into retail markets. strives to keep our clients abreast of these developments and the commercial implications for their business.