Graham's Speeches

(see also Media Activities)

Graham Bishop is well known as a powerful speaker on European issues – covering the technicalities of financial market developments and setting them within the overarching macro-economic and political requirements. As the euro area cements into a tighter political union, the implications for financial regulation are likely to be ever more profound and he speaks with the confidence that comes from his high level contacts with both European officials and political authorities. 

His advocacy of a Temporary Eurobill Fund (TEF) to help restore full confidence in the euro has brought him into contact again with an ever-wider range of opinion-formers throughout the European Union.

(For information on Graham's public speaking availability, please contact

Graham's depth of experience in observing the financial markets and politics of Europe for 40 years enables him to draw out the vital linkages between political and economic events. But the key interest for financial market participants is that next step: what does this mean for my business in terms of changes in financial sector regulation? In parallel, regulatory changes can have profound influences on the supply of, and demand for, different asset classes. Graham has been involved in these developments for decades so he is in an ideal position to speak with the complete freedom of an independent commentator.

He is a regular speaker at major events as well as giving interviews and broadcasts. The clips below illustrate Graham's approach as well as some of his current views. Increasingly, we record his speeches and full video recordings are available to subscribers.

Graham Bishop presents his plan for a Temporary Eurobill Fund (TEF) at France Stratégie

The Implications For London if the UK were to exit the EU




Combined clips:  (Fuller recordings below)



Speech at QED event, Capital Markets Union, 5 March 2015


Speaking at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Cadenabbia, Italy

Europe's Place in a Changing Global Market


Graham Presents his TEF Plan to ECON - 1st April, 2014



Q & A Session following the Presentations from the Expert Group





At a Seminar held in London at Guildhall, TheCityUK call for EU debate to be based on evidence and jobs 


QED Seminar on Shadow Banking and Money Market Funds


Speaking in Cyprus   


Q&A at KAS seminar November, 2012  


Brief glimpses into earlier speaking engagements can be seen by following the video links below:

Cass Business School-Capco Seminar on Risk:  Link  to excerpts >>>>>

Securing the Enduring Stability of the Euro (Wilton Park/Bundesbank): Link to excerpts >>>>>






  • Vienna, 15/16 December, 26th OKB Roundtable
  • London, 6 December, CSFI Brussels for Breakfast  "The Month in Brussels"
  • London January CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • Brussels 1 December, ELEC Roundtable, "The procedure and negotiations of Brexit"
  • Bulgaria (Online), 23 November, Sofia University, "Brexit"
  • Oxford, 18 November, Oxford German Forum, "Brexit: Quo Vadis?"
  • London 8 November CSFI Brussels for Breakfast  "The Month in Brussels"
  • London January CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • London 11 October, CSFI Brussels for Breakfast  "The Month in Brussels"
  • London January CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • Frankfurt 29 September, ICMA Capital Markets Conference.
  • Brussels 28 Septemner, PubAffairs Bruxelles, "Brexit and the UK effect"
  • London 13 September CSFI Brussels for Breakfast  "The Month in Brussels"
  • London January CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • Brussels 13 July, Kangaroo Group Financial Services Working Group
  • London 12 July, CSFI Brussels for Breakfast  "The Month in Brussels"
  • London January CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • London, 8 July, CEBR/CISI, Chairman of discussion "Macro Outlook Post Referendum"
  • London 4 July, Global Policy Institute, Chinese Delegation speech"UK Financial Sector" 
  • London,21 June, “The Great British Break Off' - an Open Discussion around the UK referendum on the UK's membership of the EU 5th in the series
  • London, 7 June, “The Great British Break Off' - an Open Discussion around the UK referendum on the UK's membership of the EU 4th in the series
  • London, 3 June, Global Interdependence Center, “Brexit Discussion”
  • London, 24 May “The Great British Break Off' - an Open Discussion around the UK referendum on the UK's membership of the EU 3rd in the series
  • Barcelona, 20 May, CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs), Expert workshop UK-EU relationship Further information
  • Barcelona, 19 May Banc Sabadell Graham’s views on Brexit
  • Oxford 16 May Oxford University Brexit Panel
  • London, 10 May “The Great British Break Off' - an Open Discussion around the UK referendum on the UK's membership of the EU 2nd in the series
  • London, 12 May, IFS, The Foundation of EU Financial Services Regulation – in 10 Lectures
  • London,  9 May, Charles Stanley, A discussion: to present the case for and against on topics to do with the investment industry and the City
  • London, 4 May Cass Banking Society and CISI “The Great British Break Off”
  • London 29 April Policy Network ‘Diverging Capitalisms, Part 1: The City after the crisis’
  • London, 28 April Accenture "Implications for The City of London"
  • Edinburgh, 27 April, Europe and the next generation, The evolution of financial services regulation in the EU: 1945-2015
  • London, 26 April “The Great British Break Off' - an Open Discussion around the UK referendum on the UK's membership of the EU 1st in the series
  • London, 25 April, Debate “This House believes that Charles James Fox would have regarded the European Union in its current form as a tyranny”
  • London, 31 March,  “Should supporters of free markets support Britain’s continuing membership of the EU?”
  • London, 15 February, CSFI Brussels for Breakfast at the BBA "The Month in Brussels"
  • London February CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • London, 15 March, Chatham House “The future of the single market and the Eurozone in the aftermath of the Brexit debate
  • London, 09 March, Cass and CISI “Part 1 Europe and the next generation”
  • London, 25 February, Federal Trust, “IN and OUT relations” - The future of the Eurozone and its relations with non-members Click here for the recording
  • London, 16 February CSFI Brussels for Breakfast at the BBA "The Month in Brussels" 
  • London, 15 February, London School of Economics, "The Implications for London if the UK were to exit the EU"
  • Tunbridge Wells, 6 February, Liberal Democrats, Supper Discussion
  • London, 26 January, CISI, Great British Brake Off
  • London, 25 January, LSE Commission on the Future of Britain in Europe: External Perspectives on the UK’s Membership
  • London, 12 January, CSFI Brussels for Breakfast at the BBA "The Month in Brussels" 
  • London January CISI Brussels for Brunch Live Webinar
  • London, 15 January, LSE The London Financial Regulation Seminar 
  • Edinburgh 14 January, University of Edinburgh "European Regulation and Brexit" 
  • Glasgow, 13 January University of Strathclyde, "Insights into European Regulation"
  • London, 12 January CSFI Brussels for Breakfast at the BBA "The Month in Brussels" 






